Tuesday, July 24, 2012

woman thailand gossip "Sweet cake"

Channel 7 management has got to love actress Kemanij Jamikorn "Pancake", not just for her professionalism but also the fact that she never has a bad thing to say about the TV station.

Confronted with a rumour that she's about to be nudged out of prime-time soapland into the early evening fare where lesser stars live, Pancake remained syrupy sweet. She's not worried about it, she said. She respects whatever decisions the phuyai (heavy artillery) at Channel 7 make.

"Whether it's after the evening news or earlier, it's still work," she said. "Personally, I think every time slot has its own type of viewers and, who knows, maybe more people are watching earlier than during prime time."

Erm, right, but just the same, doesn't it feel like a demotion? It depends how you look at it, Pancake said. Anyway, she's content to carry on acting at any hour and will put in the same effort to produce good results.

Demotion or not, she's still going to be paid like a star. She's unofficially ranked seventh on the list of top-earning TV actresses, banking Bt65,000 per episode. With a salary like that, what's to complain about?

pic@ http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper/0705/008252.jpg


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