Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Beautiful Temples Of Thailand

Beatiful traditions and culture,opulent architecture and elegant sculpture that continue to fascinate foreign visitors to Thailand make a powerful statment about the richness of the lives of the Thai people. Passed for generation to generation these rich cultural and historical traditions epitomize the devotion to buddhism shown by Thau people through countless numbers of temples across the land

there are about 32000 monasteries in Thailand,Bangkok has more than400. Also 200000 monks;many of these monks ordain for life.

About ninety-five pervent of Thai citizenry are Theravada Buddhists.The Thais themselves frequently call their religion Lanka-vamsa (Sinhalese lineage)Buddhism because Siam originally received Buddhism during the Sukhothai peroid Monks awake early.Up before dawn, they recite morning prayers before leaving on their rounds of the neighbourhood with their alms,bowls into which people put food offerings.The monks rely entirely for their livelihood,on the generosily of the community. The life of a monk is guided by 227 moral preecepts,and should b one of retreat and contemplation


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